Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Birthday ...Happier Retirement

Today is my little brother's birthday. He's retiring this year, and entering into his geezer-hood and hopefully a little more relaxed rest of his life.

My brother is 5 years younger than I am. When we first shared a bedroom in that apartment building I wrote about the other day, the difference in age didn't seem to be that big a deal. It wasn't until I got to be a "big kid" that it pushed us into different worlds under the same roof. Sometimes in those early days we'd lie in the dark and not go to sleep, preferring to talk about important stuff like what we wanted for Christmas, or that evening's episode of "Superman".

On weekends during the summer, our family would pack the coolers and picnic baskets, and join uncles, cousins and Gram (who lived with us from the time Grampa died until she passed away). We'd drive up the Mohawk Trail, and find an empty table in the thick woods that grew along  the Cold River (a body of water that lived up to its name, even during the hottest days of the year).

While the adults were putting out the food and lighting the fire for hot dogs, we'd head for the water. Not the big, dammed-up Official Park Swimming Area, though. We stepped from stone to rock to log along the rushing water, till we came to "The Deep Spot" in the stream. It was probably about 10 feet around, and 6 or 7 feet deep, and there was a huge boulder from which  the truly brave would jump, provided no grownups were watching.
I remember learning to open my eyes under water there, so I could watch the fish that hid between the rocks. We probably spent more time out of the water than in it, soaking up the sun and recovering from the plunge into that swift-moving snow melt.

Before long, our stomachs told us it was time to head back to the table, and we shivered our way back along the rocks and logs. We ate...lots of food, played badminton, (which I believed for some time to be the game of  bad mitten), and sometimes horse shoes. We had a set of rubber horse shoes, which my mother bought for our safety. They were red and green and came with a pair of wooden stakes.

Finally, the mosquitoes would come out and remind us it was time to go.

Then there was vacation. Dad got 2 weeks off every summer from his job at G.E. We rented a cabin at the edge of a pond in a tiny town along the Mohawk Trail, much further east than the picnic grounds. A rowboat came with the cabin, and Dad would take my brother and me out in it bright and early, when the perch were biting and the air was frosty.

We had prepared for the trip by collecting as many "night crawlers" as we could find, placing the fat worms in a container of dirt, which was lodged carefully in its place in the trunk.
Warning: The following may be horrifying if you are an earthworm, or member of PETA...
We had a pair of metal rods attached to a long electric cord. We'd stick the rods into the front lawn, then plug them into an outlet through the front window. Up they'd come out of the ground: Lots of night crawlers. All we wanted. We'd feed them some oatmeal to make them feel better after their abrupt relocation. 

So there we were in the middle of the pond, and pretty soon breakfast was in the boat, wriggling around in the creel. We caught and ate many a perch on those trips. We also caught some bluegills...better known to us kids as "pumpkin seeds" because that's what they were shaped like. They weren't very good to eat, but we'd take them home and put them in the garden (everybody had a garden in those days) where they produced some really tasty tomatoes.

I remember the four of us sitting in the cabin, enjoying our catch. I'm sure there are many things about those days I can't recall any more, but those pictures were the ones that came to mind as I put my brother's birthday card into the mailbox today, then sent him an email when I realized it wouldn't make it in time.

Happy Birthday, young Geez. Many happy returns.

Blog at ya later,


Yarntangler said...

Happy Birthday Dennis. Hope we get to see you somewhere this year.

Appropriately enough the verifier for my comment is

rejuvin .... What Dennis is doing by retiring and finally getting to go out and play!!

Dennis Cumberland said...

Thanks so much for the nostalgic trip back to our childhood. Sorry it took me a few days to respond, but after relying on computers for over 35 years, it may be days before I check my email or anything else on the internet. I have also discovered, as illogical as this sounds, that now that I have all this time on my hands I tend to procrastinate, something I rarely did in my previous life.
The fishing trips are a little vague (except for the “worm prods” – I had a pair of them myself for many years), but the picnics on the Mohawk Trail are clear as a bell. “The Deep Spot” in the COLD RIVER remains one of my favorite places; in fact I had a picture of the swimming hole on my desk at work for the past 15 plus years. Whenever we returned home for a visit it would always include a cold dip at the place you and Dad taught me to swim. Two of my kids have started families of their own, another just graduated from college, and the other two are away at school in Savannah, but we all still have aspirations of returning to that spot for a family gathering and pass the cold dip experience to a new generation. Wouldn’t it be great if we could turn it into a Cumberland reunion and get our kids and grandkids together so they can swap lies about us Old Folks.
Thanks for the card. I don’t know about the “Dream Big” part, but the dreams are much more frequent now that I manage to fit at least one nap in a day. My goal is to perfect the nap to the level that Dad did, if that is possible. He could doze off any time or place. I wouldn’t be surprised of he sneaked some in between points of a tennis match (a game he loved and played well into his seventies).

Your little brother the young Geez.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, Jim.
I'm packing for another move and wondered what you and Marc want me to do with the fabric you gave me to make up for you. You never showed up for me to make it up for you and I doubt you're needing the costumes these days but I'm not sure. Let me know, please. I'll do with it whatever you wish.
Have a great 2011.
Karen - as in Rick and Karen

Geez said...

Hi Karen-
Marcie says just do whatever you want to with the material. You're right...we don't have much use these days for them. Our grandson Sebastian Oliver arrived 3 and a half months ago here in Tucson. Noel & Rosie are the proud parents.
Hope your move is a happy one. Say Hi to Rick for me.
Our emails:
Marcie- yarntangler@gmail.com
Me- 12inbeard@gmail.com
Happy 2011 to you guys, too.

k m kelly said...

Hmmm. Looks like you guys write in your blogs just about as often as I write in mine.
Ok. I'll pack the fabric along and if you ever decide to do the pioneer thing, let me know.
Take care - both of you - and congratulations to the proud parents and grandparents. :)

k m kelly said...

Oh, crum! Just realized what day of the month it is. Feliz Cumpleanos to Marc and best wishes for a wonderful year ahead.

Unknown said...

Thank you yourblog is very best


CLADING2222 said...

مرض الدوالي عبارة عن توسع في الأوردة السطحية الموجودة في الجزء السفلي من الجسم، مما يجعلها تتلون وتبدو بارزة تحت سطح الجلد. ويمكن أن يسبب مرض الدوالي أعراضًا مزعجة مثل تورم الساقين والألم، كما يمكن أن يتسبب في مشاكل صحية خطيرة مثل تقرحات الساق وجلطات الدم لذلك يجب الاستعانة بالدكتور محمود ناصر افضل احسن دكتور اوعية دموية في مصر لمساعدتكم في حل هذه المشكلة