Monday, August 24, 2009

Rehabing and Repacking

My cardiac rehab instructor says it's time for me to start some upper body strength exercises this week...which is good news. It means I can do more things around the rig without getting into trouble. So, tomorrow we start cleaning out the storage bins, and rearranging everything to make more room.

That's probably where the trouble will begin:

I'm a big advocate of hanging onto things that will probably come in handy some day. Yarntangler, not so much.

She can't understand, for example, why I still have the old water pump that went belly-up last winter in Coffeyville. I also have the complete inner workings of the porch light I replaced two years ago, and a whole assortment of perfectly good wires, switches, connectors and only partially-scorched fusible links from a variety of other items. The uses for all of these are, of course, obvious. So I'm not too concerned about having to justify them.

I do admit, I haven't been able to figure out exactly what some of the things are, but they just look useful. I couldn't pass them up.

...And I'll probably never have a chance to get some of them again...

When we get to the basement storage bays, there may be a few surprises. Some of the items down there haven't seen the light of day since we first went on the road (has it been that long?) I have a feeling I may not recognize some of it. Or I may recognize it, decide I desperately need it for some stupid reason, and then have to find a place in which to pack it all over again.

There may be other surprises, too. Last winter there was a mouse incident and...well, you get the picture.

Anyhow, that will be our next adventure. And we won't even have to get on the road for it.

Blog at ya later,


Geezerguy said...

You do know you've been lugging around a load of wood for your art work since the day we moved in? I think they have wood in other places. And don't get me going on your un-researched research materials!!!

Yarntangler said...

OOOOPS!!! Yarntangler said that!

Geezerguy said...

I've been accused of talking to myself before, but I don't recall ever being that harsh.

Anonymous said...

THAT was an interesting comment to oneself.. LOL.. Just goes to show how very much married young'ns think alike. You guys are AWESOME.

By the way, I believe LD has inherited some of the "pack rat" syndrome from you both.. Makes for some interesting conversations I have to admit that.

Old Newsie said...

Trash everything. I didn't see a thing I recognize. Once trashed, you wil know what you should have saved.

Unknown said...

We could very well be having this same conversation, word for word, over here at the FabGrandma household. I REALLY NEED that stuff, and he wants to throw it out. And vice versa.