So our new president is traveling these days, talking about the economy and relationships with other governments and pizza. I heard on a radio talk show today that a British news organization reported that the president (or his minions) had a pizza chef flown to England, along with his materials and business partner, to cater a lunch. OK, so maybe that's considered the proper way to impress a foreign power when you're out there "building relationships", or whatever Obama's doing right now. But it seems a little arrogant. A lot of what's gone on since he took office seems a little arrogant.
After all, he's told
us in no uncertain terms that we all have to tighten our belts. People lose their jobs in droves, and Obama says it will get worse before it gets better; oh, and by the way how do you like Michelle's new dress, and the kids' new swing set? And let's order a pizza chef to fly over from the US to Europe so we can all have lunch.
That kind of thing used to be known as "conspicuous consumption". It was something rich people, usually newly rich people, did to brag without words about how much they had. It was intended to make others jealous, and it worked.
Well, Obama is newly powerful...and he wants his piece of Camelot. And I guess he's got it. The problem is with what
we haven't gotten. Like a leaner, more responsible administration. Remember that?
I don't think he's done anything to make those massive changes in the way things are done in Washington. Cooperation? Bi-partisan effort? Remember that?
Remember how we were going to get a fresh,
transparent administration, and cooperation across party lines? I don't see that happening.
I see a lot of posturing. I see overblown, phony outrage over bonuses paid to inept executives instead of
substantial economic
policy changes to make things better. (oops, did I just complain about a lack of
substance? Is that politically incorrect? Should I just sit down and admire the speech maker's craft?)
I see the blame game, and the usual gullible reaction from the public. Scapegoats in the corporate world, and pressure from the government to fire the scapegoats. Tax their bonuses at 90%.* That's supposed to make it all better.
Fluff and arrogance. And complete disdain for ordinary, hard-working Americans. The government graciously takes a few dollars
less out of the paychecks of those who still have jobs, and this is supposed to be our part of the "economic stimulus".
Where are the major investments in things like alternative energy? Where are the big projects that are supposed to create all those jobs so families can make it though this government-sponsored mess?
Where's all that help for education, so precious to the Obama campaign, as hundreds of teachers get their pink slips under the Obama administration?
Yes we can.
But we don't really want to, do we?
First Quarter Grade, C-
-Needs to improve
OK that's my rant for today. All vented.
Blog at ya later,
*What a great idea
That is! Our legislators are always thinking, aren't they? "We'll scream bloody murder, then
tax those bonuses and put the money where it the
government. What, return it to taxpayers? Good one! Hahahahahah!"